Zion Train
Little Zion That could...

All Aboard!!
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Hello, and Welcome to my blog! I'm a young mom raising two young boys Jaden && Zion (who has down syndrome). Inspired by my sons success and the joys of raising him, I decided to write a blog to educate and inspire families who may be going through the same challenges we face.
Receiving news that your child will have special needs will have you emotional. I was shocked, in denial, hurt and I couldn't understand WHY ME??
Based on my age, 1 in 1250 were the statistics and chances of me having a child with Down Syndrome. I was 4 months pregnant when he was diagnosed. I had a sonogram that showed my baby’s limbs were 3 weeks behind in growth. The doctors told me that was a marker for Downs. I took a test where they used my blood to determine that the short limbs were caused by him having Down Syndrome. The test is known to be very accurate (and in my case it was). The doctor stressed that raising a child with special needs would be very hard and complicated. I was also told that there was a chance my child wouldn't make it past delivery. I was constantly being pressured into getting an abortion and was faced with so many opportunities to have one. At every appointment I was asked to have one until I reached 5 months, but an abortion never crossed our minds. Zion's dad made it very clear that he wanted Zion and that he'd always be there for us but if I chose to abort our child he would leave. The doctor also reinforced my fears and worries by always giving us the worst case scenarios. I saw over 10 doctors and only 1 of those doctors told me that God has the final answer.
With this blog, I will show you all the joys of raising a child with special needs. Uneducated people and outdated information has a negative dark cloud over Down Syndrome. Follow our journey as we raise awareness and help educate others through our everyday life experiences. Parents are always given the worst case of what to expect of a child living with special needs. They'll never tell you about the rainbow after the storm but Zion Train is here to take you there.....Choo Choo