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Walking Feet

Zion had an amazing month. He's officially a walker now!!! Yes this month we've reached a milestone. Each and every day he's getting better at using his walking feet. His PT therapist at his school is a gift from god she does an amazing job with him. I didn't understand how much practicing going up and down stairs would help Zion become a walker. But boy was she right, so all the back aches I got from me helping Zion go up and down the stairs were very worth it lol. In the beginning of the month, Zion went from his record of 13 to 53 steps. Now Zion can walk into his school all the way to his classroom by himself. He's so excited, smiling from ear to ear as he takes each step. We went to the park (which was the first time since he could walk freely by himself) he enjoyed every bit of it. Zion would walk toward the slide (which is his favorite) and go up the stairs to slide down (with my help). Zion's health is excellent also. Zion had 2 doctors appointments this month and we received great feedback at both. The ENT doctor (ear,nose,throat) where they check his ear tubes and update themselves on his hearing . This appointment went so well, Zion had a hearing test which he passed. Zion also saw the dentist and got great feedback. Zion's teeth are perfect, he has a little overbite. I always worry about his teeth because when I would read up on Down syndrome the information about their teeth was never good it states that their teeth grow in poorly, incorrect and very slow. But this was not the case, Zion has all his baby teeth their strong, in the correct place with the proper spacing and no cavities. We have to follow up every 6 months, most children with special needs follow up with the dentist every 3 months but in Zion's case it's not needed. With all great news, this month has me in a better place thank you Jesus!! so it's safe to say that this month was a very great month for us. Hitting milestones and great health is what I pray for it couldn't get any better than this....----Zion Train

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